Bryan Black, TK-5 Physical Education Teacher

Danielle Garcia, Physical Education Aide

Christine Johnson, Physical Education Aide

Liliana Esquivez, Principal at Bonita Elementary


The ultimate goal of our high-quality, standards-based physical education instruction is to prepare every student for a lifetime of physical activity, health, and well-being.


Standard 1: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Standard 2: Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Standard 3: Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.

Standard 4: Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.

Standard 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity


  • Be Prepared

    • Students wearing appropriate dress wear.

  • Play Hard

    • Always demonstrate effort and seriousness.

    • Be an active participant

  • Play Fair

    • Always demonstrate good sportsmanship and honesty.

    • Allow for equal opportunity for others to participate.

  • Play Safe

    • Lookout for the safety of others.

    • Show an awareness of your body and others around you.

  • Show Respect

    • Listen when it is time to listen (to your teacher and your classmates).

    • Cooperate with your teacher and classmates.

    • Show the value of others, the equipment and your school.


  • Gym shoes are highly recommended to safely participate in Physical Education.

  • Wearing of jewelry is discouraged to prevent injury and loss.

  • Students should wear comfortable clothes that permit freedom of movement that they are not afraid to get dirty.

  • Students are recommended to bring a sweatshirt/jacket for outdoor activities during cooler weather.


Weather permitting, students will be outdoors. In the event of unfavorable weather/air conditions, students will be indoors. The decision will be based on the Air Quality Index (AQI) Asthma Friendly Flag Program:

  • Green – Air outside is “good” and considered healthy for everyone. Outdoor activities will be permitted for all students.

  • Yellow – Air outside is “moderate” and unhealthy for only extremely sensitive children and adults. Outdoor activities will be permitted for all students.

  • Orange – Air outside is “unhealthy for sensitive groups.” On ‘orange days’ sensitive individuals should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. Activities will be modified.

  • Red – Air outside is “unhealthy” for everyone. On ‘red days’ sensitive individuals should avoid outdoor activities and alternative indoor activities will be made available to all students.


A parental note requesting students from not participating in physical education activities will be honored for a period of no longer than one week. A request for a longer non-participation period will require a doctor’s note. All notes must be turned into the site health clerk in the morning.

Please notify your child’s school of any medical necessities or relevant medical history. The PE staff works closely with each sites health clerk to meet each student’s health needs.


Action plan for when an expectation is not followed.

  1. Verbal warning

  2. Timeout from Activity

  3. Notify Principal/Contact Parent

*As the physical education teacher, I have input on a student’s overall physical education grade.


Monday – Bonita

Tuesday – Von Renner

Wednesday – Hurd Barrington

Thursday – Hunt